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Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta Bibliografia. Mostrar todas as mensagens

quinta-feira, 19 de novembro de 2020

Cardano, a Dignidade e Influência Astrológica e o Espírito Crítico: Exemplo Textual

Ernst, G. 2001, “ ‘Veritatis amor dulcissimus’: Aspects of Cardano’s Astrology” in Secrets of Nature: Astrology and Alchemy in Early Modern Europe, 48-9.

  Cardano felt compelled to admit that the situation was genuinely difficult and that the critics of astrology had it all too easy. The discipline had in fact been discredited and corrupted, and by its own practitioners. Cardano condemned not the art, but the artisans: they were the ones who failed to bring to its study the attention, effort, and mental profundity a discipline of its nobility and difficulty required. Moved either by greed or by ambition, they claimed to possess knowledge that they did not have and promised to give answers that an astrologer could not provide. They continually invented new expedients, taking shameless advantage of the ambiguous and profitable area of “elections and interrogations.” One particularly greedy and ignorant astrologer, for example, had forced Ludovico Sforza to follow minute rules, even making him and his courtiers ride horseback in rain and mud. 

   Astrology, Cardano admitted, was not an “absolutely precise” form of knowledge, endowed with absolute certainty and rigor. But that did not mean that it was “a superstition, a form of prophecy, magic, vanity, an oracle or a presage.” It was a natural, conjectural art that set out to formulate probable judgments about future events. There was no reason to deny the legitimacy of doing so, especially when it was granted to doctors, sailors, farmers, and miners. 

   The one basic presupposition on which astrology rested was the reality of the influence that the celestial bodies exercised on the sublunary world.These influences, obvious in the case of the sun and the moon, which werethe supreme rulers of the life of the universe, undeniably also belonged by extension to the planets and the stars, which had the same basic nature. Cardano discussed the question of these influences at length. He tried bothto prove their existence, with a plethora of examples, and to identify the paths by which they were propagated and the ways in which they affected the sublunary world. Only repeated observations could provide the basis for a body of theory as elaborate as that of Ptolemy, which could be confirmed, enlarged, and corrected in its turn by the observation of further facts.

Ernst, G. 2001, “ ‘Veritatis amor dulcissimus’: Aspects of Cardano’s Astrology” in Secrets of Nature: Astrology and Alchemy in Early Modern Europe, ed. W. R. Newman & A. Grafton, 39-68. Cambridge, MA/ Londres: The MIT Press.

quinta-feira, 2 de abril de 2020

Aretologia de Ísis de Cumas: Texto Grego e Tradução (Excerto)

Templo de Philae na Ilha Agilika (Wikipedia)

Aretologia de Ísis de Cumas

Séculos I AEC – I EC












§1 Δημτριος ρτεμιδρου κα Θρασας Μγνη[ς]
π Μαινδρου σιδι εχν·
§2 τδε γρφηι κ τς στλης τς ν Μμφει, τι-
ς στηκεν πρς τ φαιστιωι· §3a Εσις {σις} γ ε-
μι τραννος πσης χρας· §3b κα παιδεθην π[]
ρμο κα §3c γρμματα ερον μετ ρμο, τ τε ερ
κα τ δημσια γρμματα, να μ ν τος ατος
πντα γρφηται. §4 γ νμους νθρποις θμην,
κα νομοθτησα οθες δναται μεταθεναι.
§5 γ εμι Κρνου θυγτηρ πρεσβυττηι. §6 γ εμι γ[υ]-
ν κα δελφ σεριδος {σριδος} βασιλως. §7 γ εμι καρπν
νθρποις εροσα. §8 γ εμι μτηρ ρου βασιλως.
§9 γ εμι ν τ το Κυνς στρ πιτλλουσα. §10 γ
εμι παρ γυναιξ θες καλουμνη. §11 μο Βοβαστος
πλις κοδομθη. §12 γ χρισα γν πορανο.
§13 γ στρων δος δειξα. §14 γ λου κα σελνη[ς]
ποραν συνεταξμην. §15 γ θαλσσια ργα ερον. §16 -
γ τ δκαιον σχυρν ποησα. §17 γγυνακα καὶ ἄνδρα
συνγαγον. §18 γγυναικδεκαμηνιαον βρφος ες
φς ξενεγκεν ταξα. §19 γὼ ὑπτκνου γονες
νομοθτησα φιλοστοργσθαι. §20 γτος στρ-
γ<ω>ς γονεσιν διακειμνοις τειμω<ρ>αν πθηκα.
§21 γμεττοδελφοσριδος τς νθρωποφα-
γας παυσα. §22 γμυσεις νθρποις πδε[ι]-
ξα. §23 γὼ ἀγλματα θεν τειμν δδαξα. §24 γ
τεμνη θεν δρυσμην. §25 γτυρννων ρ-
χς κατλυσα. §26 γφνους παυσα. §27 γστρ-
γεσθαι γυνακας πὸ ἀνδρν νγκασα. §28 γ
τδκαιον σχυρτερον χρυσου καὶ ἀργυρου ποη-
σα. §29 γτὸ ἀληθς καλν νομο[θ]τησα νομζε[σ]-
θαι. §30 γσυνγραφς γαμικς ερον. §31 γδιαλκτους
λλησι καβαρβροις ταξα. §32 γτκαλν καασχρ[ν]
διαγεινσκεσθαι πτς Φσεως ποησα. §33 γ
ρκου φοβερτερον οθν ποησα. §34 γτν δκως
πιβουλεοντα λλοις {λλ} ποχεριον τπιβου-
[λ]ευομνπαρδωκα. §35 γτος δικα πρσσουσιν
τειμωραν πιτθημι. §36 γὼ ἱκτας λεν νομοθ[]-
τησα. §37 γτος δικαως μυνομνους τειμ. §38 π-
ρμοτδκαιον σχει. §39 γποταμν καὶ ἀνμων
[κ]αθαλσσης εμκυρα. §40 οθες δοξζεται νευ τς -
μς γνμης. §41 γεμι πολμου κυρα. §42 γκεραυ-
νοκυρα εμ. §43 γπρανω κακυμανω θλασσαν.
§44 γὼ ἐν τας τολου αγας εμ. §45 γπαρεδρεω τ
τολου πορείᾳ. §46 ὃ ἂν μοδξ, τοτο κατελετα[ι].
§47 μοπντπεκει. §48 γτος ν δεσμος λωι. §49 γ
ναυτιλας εμκυρα. §50 γτπλωτὰ ἄπλωτα ποι[]-
ταν μοδξ. §51 γπεριβλους πλεων κτισα. §52 -
γεμι Θεσμοφρος καλουμνη. §53 γν<>σσους {νσους} γ β[υ]-
[θ]ν ες φ<ς> νγαγον. §54 γὼ ὄμβρων εμκυρα. §55 γ
τὸ ἱμαρμνον νικ. §56 μοτεμαρμνον κοει.
§57 χαρε Αγυπτε θρψασμε.








§1 Demétrio, filho de Artemidoro, também [conhecido por] Trásea, o Magnésio do Meandro, [entregou esta] prece a Ísis.
§2 Transcreveu o que se segue de uma estela em Mênfis que se erguia junto do templo de Hefesto.
§3a Eu sou Ísis, a rainha de toda a terra,
§3b e fui ensinada por Hermes e
§3c com Hermes inventei as letras, tanto as sagradas como as comuns, para que as coisas que existem não sejam escritas com as mesmas [letras].
§4 Eu estabeleci as leis para os seres humanos e ordenei-as para que ninguém as possa mudar.
§5 Eu sou a filha primogénita de Cronos
§6 Eu sou consorte e irmã do rei Osíris.
§7 Eu sou a que encontra o fruto da terra para os seres humanos.
§8 Eu sou a mãe do rei Hórus.
§9 Eu sou a que ascende na Estrela do Cão.
§10 Eu sou a que é chamada de deus pelas mulheres.
§11 Para mim foi construída a cidade de Bubástis.
§12 Eu separei a terra do céu.
§13 Eu revelei os caminhos das estrelas.
§14 Eu dispus do curso do Sol e da Lua.
§15 Eu inventei os negócios marítimos.
§16 Eu tornei forte o justo.
§17 Eu uni a mulher e o homem.
§18 Eu estabeleci para a mulher dar à luz o seu feto ao décimo mês.
§19 Eu determinei que os pais fossem amados [pelo filho] desde criança.
§20 Eu impus o castigo aos que não têm uma afeição natural pelos pais.
§21 Eu, com o [meu] irmão Osíris, terminei com o canibalismo.
§22 Eu revelei as iniciações.
§23 Eu ensinei a honrar as estátuas dos deuses.
§24 Eu consagrei os templos dos deuses.
§25 Eu acabei com o poder dos tiranos.
§26 Eu pus um fim aos homicídios.
§27 Eu obriguei as mulheres a serem amadas pelos homens.
§28 Eu tornei o justo mais forte do que o ouro e a prata.


Fim do Excerto

NOTA: A tradução da inscrição grega é da minha responsabilidade.


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