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terça-feira, 7 de janeiro de 2020

Ibn Ezra, o Livro do Mundo e a Grande Conjunção: Exemplo Textual

Ibn Ezra, Abraão, Livro do Mundo: Primeira Versão (Sefer ha-'Olam), ed. S. Sela, 20-21:

20 (1) In a great conjunction, then, observe the sign of the ascendant at the moment of the luminaries’ conjunction or opposition, whichever of them occurs last before the Sun enters Aries. (2) Also observe the sign of the ascendant at the moment of the luminaries’ conjunction or opposition before the Sun enters the quadrant where the great conjunction will occur. (3) Also observe the sign of the ascendant at the moment of the luminaries’ conjunction or opposition, whichever takes place <last> before the great conjunction, during the month when the conjunction takes place. (4) Now, if the conjunction takes place in Aries, there is no need to observe another sign of the ascendant; only one <is necessary>. (5) But if <it takes place> in any of the other quadrants, sometimes it is necessary to observe another sign <of the ascendant> together with the first and sometimes it is necessary to observe two <more>. (6)This happens when the conjunction does not take place in the first sign of the quadrant.

21 (1) At the time of the conjunction observe the characteristics of Saturn and Jupiter. (2) Find out which of them is closer to apogee or perigee on their great circle, whose center is different from the center of the Earth. (3) Also observe which of them is closer to apogee on its epicycle, whether both are direct in their motion or retrograde, whether their latitude is southern or northern and how many <degrees> is its latitude, and observe which of them has lordship in its place. (4) So if you find that Saturn is closer to apogee than Jupiter, or that its latitude is northern whereas Jupiter’s is southern, or that it is on the ecliptic, or that Saturn’s northern latitude is greater than Jupiter’s northern latitude, or that Saturn is on the ecliptic whereas Jupiter’s latitude is southern, or that both are southern but Saturn’s latitude is less than Jupiter’s, or that Saturn is in a place where it has lordship, then it [Saturn] portends that an ancient nation, regardless of where it resides, will not be defeated and will not go into exile. (5) Due to Saturn’s nature, hate, jealousy, enmity, contention, hunger, and various illnesses will increase in the world. (6) But if Jupiter has all the power we have allotted to Saturn, it portends that a new people will overcome the ancient people and that royal authority will pass from one nation to another.


Sela, S., 2010, Abraham Ibn Ezra: The Book of World - A Parallel Hebrew-English Critical Edition of the Two Versions of the Text, 64-67.
Leiden/ Boston: Abraham Ibn Ezra’s AstrologicalWritings, Vol. 2, Brill.

quinta-feira, 2 de janeiro de 2020

Jung e a Astrologia: Exemplos Textuais

Carl Gustav Jung, CW 15, “Richard Wilhelm: In Memoriam” (1930), par. 81:

[81] Its value is obvious enough to the psychologist, since astrology represents the sum of all the psychological knowledge of antiquity.

Carl Gust Jung, Letters I, “To L. Oswald, 8 December 1928”:

You are quite right in supposing that I reckon astrology among those movements which, like theosophy, etc., seek to assuage an irrational thirst for knowledge but actually lead it into a sidetrack. Astrology is knocking at the gates of our universities: a Tübingen professor has switched over to astrology and a course on astrology was given at Cardiff University last year. Astrology is not mere superstition but contains some psychological facts (like theosophy) which are of considerable importance. Astrology has actually nothing to do with the stars but is the 5000-year-old psychology of antiquity and the Middle Ages. Unfortunately I cannot explain or prove this to you in a letter.

Carl Gustav Jung, Letters I, “To Sigmund Freud, 12 June 1911”:

My evenings are taken up very largely with astrology. I make horoscopic calculations in order to find a clue to the core of psychological truth. Some remarkable things have turned up which will certainly appear incredible to you. In the case of one lady, the calculation of the positions of the stars at her nativity produced a quite definite character picture, with several biographical details which did not belong to her but to her mother – and the characteristics fi tted the mother to a T. The lady suffers from an extraordinary mother complex. I dare say that we shall one day discover in astrology a good deal of knowledge that has been intuitively projected into the heavens. For instance, it appears that the signs of the zodiac are character pictures, in other words libido symbols which depict the typical qualities of the libido at a given moment.


Jung, C. G., 2018, Jung on Astrology,
Selected and Introduced by S. Rossi and K. Le Grice, 23-25.
Londres/ Nova Iorque: Routledge.

quinta-feira, 20 de abril de 2017

Do Baú IX: Nemrod: Um Fragmento

Nemrod: Um Fragmento

Gustave Doré, "Nimrod and his horn", Dante Alighieri's Inferno
(New York: Cassell Publishing Company, 1890).

Poi disse a me: «Elli stessi s'acussa;

questi è Nembrotto per lo cui mal coto

pur un linguaggio nel mondo non s'ua.

Lasciànlo stare e non parliamo à vòto;

ché cosí è a lui ciascun linguaggio

come 'l suo ad altrui, ch'a nullo è noto.»

Dante, Divina Comédia, Inferno, XXXI, 76-81


Em cada língua que o seu espaço ocupa,
 o vazio é a argamassa de uma torre que se ergue. 
Babel sobe e a Palavra afunda-se.